Meet the Vietnamese monk captivating Gen Z with his insights on love and life

Meet the Vietnamese monk captivating Gen Z with his insights on love and lifeMeet the Vietnamese monk captivating Gen Z with his insights on love and life
via TikTok/@giacminhluat
Vietnamese monk Giac Minh Luat has become a TikTok sensation, amassing over 3.1 million followers by sharing relatable insights on life and relationships using Gen Z slang.
His short, engaging videos resonate with young people struggling with loneliness and anxiety. In one video posted in May, Luat says, “If you put too much milk in your coffee, it turns into bạc xỉu [a sweet Vietnamese coffee drink]. In love, if one person gives too much, it’s no longer love. Sacrifice is not a responsibility.”
Unlike traditional Buddhist teachings on YouTube, which often fail to capture young audiences, Luat’s concise, trendy messages have made him a popular speaker at temples and universities. Despite some criticism of his modern approach, he defends his methods as a way to help youth confront negativity. “My students who used to be distracted during my lectures are now more engaged, listening closely when I incorporate popular phrases they see on social media,” he told Rest of World.
In addition to his social media presence, Luat leads a charity club, writes books and is pursuing a PhD in Psychology.
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