Vietnam recognizes Hanoi’s pho as national cultural heritage

Vietnam recognizes Hanoi’s pho as national cultural heritageVietnam recognizes Hanoi’s pho as national cultural heritage
via Jonathan Lin / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Vietnam’s Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism officially recognized Hanoi-style pho — along with Nam-Dinh-style pho and Quang-style noodle soup — as part of the country’s national intangible cultural heritage on Aug. 9.
Hanoi-style pho, a beloved noodle dish served with beef or chicken, is known globally for its rich broth and traditional preparation methods, often kept as family secrets passed down through generations. Nam-Dinh-style pho, with its distinctive ingredients and preparation, is a pride of Nam Dinh province — the birthplace of pho — with many shops expanding to major cities. Quang-style noodle soup, a staple in Quang Nam province, remains a vital cultural tradition despite modern challenges threatening its preservation. The recognition aims to protect and promote these culinary treasures, ensuring their continued legacy.
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