‘Fumbled opportunity?’ Tim Chantarangsu reveals he left Shawn Mendes on unread for over 6 years

‘Fumbled opportunity?’ Tim Chantarangsu reveals he left Shawn Mendes on unread for over 6 years‘Fumbled opportunity?’ Tim Chantarangsu reveals he left Shawn Mendes on unread for over 6 years
via @timchantarangsu/@shawnmendes
Comedian and rapper Tim Chantarangsu (formerly Timothy DeLaGhetto) recently revealed a years-old missed opportunity to collaborate with pop star Shawn Mendes.
Chantarangsu’s lighthearted Instagram post on Sunday revealed a 2014 Instagram DM conversation where Mendes told Chantarangsu he has been watching his videos “for a long time” before extending an invitation: “We gotta link up soon bro, Collab or something. Give me a text if you want.” The message seemingly went unnoticed for six years, with Chantarangsu finally responding in 2020 with: “Aye man, im just seeing this. Sure let’s collab lmaooo.” Mendes reacted to the post with a good-natured “bro” and laughing emoji, while Chantarangsu apologized with a “my bad, dawg.”
The post sparked humorous comments from fans, with one even playfully suggesting Mendes’ hit “In My Blood” was about the missed connection.
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