Asian countries shine at inaugural international AI olympiad

Asian countries shine at inaugural international AI olympiadAsian countries shine at inaugural international AI olympiad
via International Olympiad in AI
Singapore, China and Vietnam won big at the inaugural International Olympiad in Artificial Intelligence (IOAI) 2024, held in Burgas, Bulgaria, from Aug. 9 to 15. The event evaluated over 40 teams representing over 30 countries and territories in both scientific and practical challenges, focusing on three key areas of AI: natural language processing, machine learning and computer vision.
  • Scientific gold: Two Singaporean teams, selected in April by a panel of professors from Nanyang Technological University, clinched gold medals in the scientific round, which based scores on performances on a predefined task-specific metric. Teams from Letovo and Poland also secured gold in this round, while two Chinese teams won silver. The practical round, which required participants to design and perform experiments, saw Team USA taking home the gold, with teams from Hong Kong and China joining Canada, Romania, Letovo, UAE and Hungary in winning silver medals.
  • Vietnam makes its mark: Vietnamese teams also had a strong showing, with one team from the High School for the Gifted of Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City winning silver and another team from Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted securing bronze in the scientific round. Their impressive performance placed Vietnam sixth in the overall medal tally, following Russia, Poland, Singapore, China and Hungary.
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