Man arrested for brutal robbery of Asian senior in Oakland is repeat offender

Man arrested for brutal robbery of Asian senior in Oakland is repeat offenderMan arrested for brutal robbery of Asian senior in Oakland is repeat offender
via Oakland Police Department
Clarence Esteen III, 31, accused of attacking and robbing a senior Asian woman and her companion in Oakland, California, on July 5, has been arrested and is awaiting charges. The incident, which was caught in a now-viral surveillance video, occurred in the 5500 block of San Pablo Ave.
  • Immediate arrest: An off-duty police officer reportedly saw the incident and followed the suspect, who eventually dropped the stolen items. The officer then arrested him and helped return the victims’ belongings.
  • Repeat offender: Esteen was reportedly released from prison for another robbery 11 days before the latest incident. He is also facing charges from three other robberies that occurred at McDonald’s, Papa Johns and Cassave.
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