Watch: Japanese police pull off kawaii dance moves in anti-scam video

Watch: Japanese police pull off kawaii dance moves in anti-scam videoWatch: Japanese police pull off kawaii dance moves in anti-scam video
via @HP_maplekun / X
A video of police officers in Japan’s Hiroshima Prefecture dancing to an anti-scam children’s song has gone viral on X, garnering 10.7 million views since its release on Oct. 7.
Created by members of the Asaminami Police Station, the video features five officers dancing against various backdrops, paired with a high-pitched song sung by local kindergarten children warning about social media scams. It includes the lines, “They take advantage of your romance and get into your heart. You send over your money and you’re tricked. You’ll never get your money back,” targeting romance and investment frauds reportedly common on platforms like Instagram and Line. Sgt. Kazuha Kagahara, who produced the video, said the team enhanced the visuals to boost its impact.
With the police station receiving 10 scam reports since August and victims losing around 120 million yen ($801,200), the video aims to raise awareness against such scams. “It’s so impactful that you can’t forget it, even if you want to,” one viewer commented.
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