Japanese Company Makes Adorable Samurai Armor for Cats and Dogs

Japanese Company Makes Adorable Samurai Armor for Cats and DogsJapanese Company Makes Adorable Samurai Armor for Cats and Dogs
Cats and dogs have become the newest samurai creatures thanks to a Japanese company dedicated to making it happen.
Samurai Age, located in Fukuoka, has been making samurai armor for humans, dolls and sake bottles. So far, helmet caps are the most popular items according to the company’s website.
Interestingly, the pet armor seem to be the more recent and fitting addition, Kotaku reported, and we couldn’t agree more!
The different armors, designed for cats and small dogs, currently comes in red, black, silver and gold.
The cheapest (red and black) are priced ¥14,256 ($129), while silver and gold are the priciest at ¥16,416 ($149).
Those with larger pets may opt to order customized armors, though we’re not sure if that option offers other colors.

SAMURAI AGEの看板猫のにゃんざむらいです。ツイートはお世話役の広報部が行っております。
動画・にゃんざむらいの作り方(音楽が流れます) pic.twitter.com/cPNtB8XRZj

— SAMURAIAGE広報部 (@the_samurai_age) 2017年5月27日

Still, while Samurai Age’s site is in Japanese, that shouldn’t discourage customers as the company ships international orders. The company is on Facebook and Twitter (plus tags on Instagram), so you know where to look!
Alternatively, you may reach them via email at info@samurai-age.jp.
So cute!
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