Japan adds new category to heatstroke index due to dangerous heatwave

Japan adds new category to heatstroke index due to dangerous heatwaveJapan adds new category to heatstroke index due to dangerous heatwave
via Tagosaku (CC BY 2.0)
To reduce deaths from heatstroke, Japan has added a fourth category, “most severe,” to its heatstroke index, alongside the existing categories of mild, moderate and severe.
The move comes in the same week that six people died from a heatwave with temperatures rising as high as 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in some parts of Japan, five degrees higher than the level weather officials classify as “extremely hot.” A weather agency official described the severe heat to Agence France-Presse as “rather rare,” especially as it is occurring during the country’s rainy season, which typically runs from May to July.
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