The U.S. Coast Guard has commissioned its latest Sentinel-class fast response cutter (FRC) named after Florence Ebersole Smith Finch, a Filipino American woma...
A new documentary offers a glimpse of the music scene enjoyed by Vietnamese American youths who sought refuge in the U.S. with their families in the 1980s.
The city of Detroit is honoring five notable individuals, including Asian American figure Vincent Chin, with street signs bearing their names.
The sign commemor...
The 2022 documentary “Free Chol Soo Lee,” which tells the story of a Korean immigrant wrongfully convicted of killing Yip Yee Tak in San Francisco’s Chinatown i...
The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) has launched the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) History Hub, a comprehensive educational database aimed at helping...
Sammy Lee, the son of Korean immigrants, made history by becoming the first Asian American athlete to win a gold medal for the U.S. in the Olympics. Lee achieve...
The Square and Circle Club, the nation’s oldest Chinese and Asian American women’s service organization, is set to celebrate a century of dedicated community se...
PBS has released a documentary film that sheds new light on the lives of Japanese Americans incarcerated during World War II, featuring first-hand stories and c...
Chinese Hospital, the first Chinese hospital in the U.S., celebrated its 125th anniversary this week, honoring a rich history of providing culturally sensitive...