Hungarian Swimmer Detained for Groping Dancer in South Korea, Released After Paying $2,500 Fine

Hungarian Swimmer Detained for Groping Dancer in South Korea, Released After Paying $2,500 FineHungarian Swimmer Detained for Groping Dancer in South Korea, Released After Paying $2,500 Fine
A Hungarian swimmer, who was recently held in South Korea due to allegations of sexual harassment,
Tamas Kenderesi, a 22-year-old Olympic bronze medallist, was formally accused of committing an indecent act by compulsion, reports Agence France-Presse
Last week, Kenderesi was arrested and questioned over an incident at a nightclub in Gwangju, about 200 miles south of Seoul. He was briefly detained and then held at the athletes’ village pending an investigation.
Upon his arrest, Hungary’s swimming federation released a statement explaining details around the allegations against Kenderesi.
“During the investigation, the athlete is entitled to a presumption of innocence, but if formally found guilty the federation will seek further action,” it said
“The Hungarian swimming federation condemns any act that violates human dignity, and requires that members of the national swim team behave in a manner that is respectful of national colors and sports traditions.”
He denied the allegations of sexual harassment but admitted to “thoughtlessly touching” a nightclub dancer.
An official at the Gwangju District Prosecutors’ Office said that Kenderesi had paid a deposit of 3 million won (around $2,500) for his fine.
Under South Korean law, the charge is a summary offense and is dealt with administratively without a courtroom trial.
Featured Image via Instagram / tamaskenderesi
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