New doc highlighting child poverty among Japan’s single mothers prompts calls for change

New doc highlighting child poverty among Japan’s single mothers prompts calls for changeNew doc highlighting child poverty among Japan’s single mothers prompts calls for change
via The Ones Left Behind
The documentary “The Ones Left Behind: The Plight of Single Mothers in Japan” sheds light on the overlooked child poverty in Japan, where nearly half of the 1.4 million single-parent households live below the poverty line despite 85% being employed.
Directed by Australian filmmaker Rionne McAvoy, the film features personal stories of mothers facing various hardships, including abuse and societal pressure to endure struggles without seeking help.
The film has won 17 awards at film festivals, prompting discussions among officials like former digital minister Taro Kono about the need for government improvement in areas like the gender wage gap. “I believe that the first step toward solving this problem will be if more people who see this film become aware of this problem and take action to correct it,” said Kono.
As McAvoy currently seeks national and international distribution for the documentary, he also plans to explore further social issues in future projects, including child suicide. 
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