Check out China’s ‘Orange County’Check out China’s ‘Orange County’
Orange County, California. Image via Toksave / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Check out China’s ‘Orange County’

Did you know that China has its own version of California’s Orange County? Just an hour’s drive from Beijing, a meticulously designed suburban community developed in the early 2000s has captured attention on social media over its sprawling palm trees, landscaped yards and even a man-made lake.
  • About the community: China’s Orange County, developed by Beijing real estate mogul Zhang Bo in collaboration with Newport Beach architects and Orange County designers, is a gated community that mirrors Southern California’s suburban lifestyle. Locally known as “Ju Jun,” it was designed to cater to China’s new upwardly mobile class, embracing Western aspirations with an American-style layout, including amenities like central heating systems, basement recreation rooms and high-tech kitchens. Despite the cultural divide, the project’s first phase sold out rapidly, dubbed the “Orange Storm” by local media.
  • What people are saying: Residents and buyers were thrilled by glimpse of the American lifestyle the community offers. Documentary filmmaker Xiao Qingchun, who purchased a $300,000 model home in 2001, told the Los Angeles Times it was “very American.” Still, developers paid attention to local preoccupations, including feng shui. “In appearances, it’s totally unlike other Chinese compounds, but more than that, we have the river to the south and the mountains to the north. The feng shui is excellent — it gives you the feeling of coming home,” lawyer and homeowner ‘Liang Haijing told the New York Times in 2003.
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