Beloved Brooklyn Filipino restaurant to close after 15 years

Beloved Brooklyn Filipino restaurant to close after 15 yearsBeloved Brooklyn Filipino restaurant to close after 15 years
via @amycbesa
Purple Yam is closing on Aug. 30, co-owner Amy Besa announced on Instagram, inviting patrons to celebrate before the restaurant shutters.
Operated by Besa and her husband, Romy Dorotan, Purple Yam is known for its authentic Filipino dishes and homemade ice cream in iconic flavors. They also authored a cookbook, “Memories of Philippine Kitchens,” featuring Filipino recipes and culinary stories. The decision to close comes as the couple, now in their 70s, faces rising costs and seeks retirement. Despite this, they plan to remain involved in the food industry. “The most important lesson of all is that the world turns on food. It is through food that I have gained so much insight and wisdom. When coupled with Filipino hospitality and generosity, it is the most powerful weapon we have in bringing people together,” Besa expressed.
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