Bangladeshi Sewer Cleaner Possibly Has the Crappiest Job Ever

Bangladeshi Sewer Cleaner Possibly Has the Crappiest Job EverBangladeshi Sewer Cleaner Possibly Has the Crappiest Job Ever
DHAKA, BANGLADESH – MAY 03 : A sewer cleaner of Dhaka City Corporation cleaning out the city’s sewers on May 03, 2017 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Despite a rise in the number of deaths of manhole workers every year, workers regularly go into the manholes without any protective gear. PHOTOGRAPH BY Zakir Chowdhury / Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 – New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 – New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429
Some people might loath their day jobs, that is, until they lay eyes on one of the most disgusting and putrid jobs in the entire world.
Meet the Bangladeshi men who literally dive into pools of human waste for a living. The job earns them less than £300 ($390) a month, reports The Sun.
A sewer cleaner of Dhaka City Corporation cleaning out the city’s sewers on May 03, 2017 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Barcroft Media)
The primary job of these unsung heroes is to unblock the city’s sewer lines. As employees of the Dhaka City Corporation, these men easily possess one of the least desirable jobs in the world.
Zakir Chowdhury / Barcroft Media
Without any special suits or safety equipment, the unnamed sewer cleaners dive into manholes topless and navigate their way deep into pure filth with only a stick. With their bare hands, they scoop out blockages from the sewer in the Bangladeshi capital, a city of over 14 million residents. 
Zakir Chowdhury / Barcroft Media
Zakir Chowdhury / Barcroft Media
As disgusting is this job may seem to many, the mighty effort helps prevent floods that usually plague the city of Dhaka during typhoons and heavy rains.
Zakir Chowdhury / Barcroft Media
Zakir Chowdhury / Barcroft Media
Zakir Chowdhury / Barcroft Media
Zakir Chowdhury / Barcroft Media
According to Daily Mail, the lack of sufficient equipment for such a hazardous job has caused an alarming number of deaths for manhole workers in the city.
Zakir Chowdhury / Barcroft Media
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