Suspect arrested in connection to racial slurs painted on California state senator’s campaign signs

Suspect arrested in connection to racial slurs painted on California state senator’s campaign signsSuspect arrested in connection to racial slurs painted on California state senator’s campaign signs
via YouTube/Dave Min for Congress
Kevin William Walker, 62, of Fountain Valley, was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of vandalism of property worth $400 or more, after several campaign signs for Dave Min, a Democratic candidate for Congress, were found vandalized in Huntington Beach, California.
However, it is unclear if he is tied to all incidents. The Huntington Beach Police Department is investigating the incident as a potential hate crime as some signs were spray-painted with anti-Asian slurs.
Min, the son of Korean immigrants, is running for the 47th Congressional District seat. He linked the vandalism to a rise in anti-Asian sentiment following a recent Donald Trump rally, attributing it to the xenophobia fueled by the MAGA movement.
Min’s opponent, Republican Scott Baugh, condemned the vandalism, while Huntington Beach Mayor Gracey Van Der Mark accused Min of “race baiting.”
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